Product Information

P-2000 Laser-Based Micropipette Puller

Product Name: P-2000 Laser-Based Micropipette Puller
Product Type: P-2000
Exhibitors: Sutter
Product Documentation: No Related Documents


P-2000 Laser-Based Micropipette Puller

P-2000 Laser-Based Micropipette Puller  Detailed description

P-2000 Laser-Based Micropipette Puller

Main Application:
    P-2000 programmable level laser microelectrode drawing instrument is a computer-controlled high-precision microelectrode drawing instrument introduced by Sutter Company in 2000. Its distinctive feature is that quartz glass can be drawn. The advantage of quartz glass is its excellent electrical performance, low noise, and the electrodes drawn are very hard, and it is very suitable for the recording of brain/tissue specimens.
Main feature:
• Computer control, high accuracy.
• There is a CO2 laser inside the instrument. In addition to drawing ordinary glass microelectrodes, quartz microelectrodes can be drawn.
• CO2 lasers can work normally for more than a decade.
• With laser, no heating wire/sheet is used and there is no burnout.
• Up to 100 drawing programs can be programmed and stored.
• Samples of patch clamp microelectrodes and intracellular recording electrodes are provided.
• Each drawing produces two symmetrical electrodes with good repeatability.
• The drawing temperature is not limited. Can meet a variety of needs.
• More than two cycles can be drawn to effectively control the length of the microelectrode stem.
• Can draw a stable, reliable electrode with a tip of less than 0.03 microns.
• With vacuum fluorescent display.
• The pull program writes a protective lock to prevent inadvertent changes.
• Quality Control: Electron microscopy detects electrode tip changes less than 0.1 μm, typically about 0.06 μm.
• There are two types: P-2000/G is used to draw glass/quartz blanks with a diameter of 0.6mm or more, suitable for patch clamps and other electrophysiological experiments; P-2000/F is used to draw glass with diameters less than 0.6mm. / Quartz blanks, used in nanospray and near-field scanning optical microscopes (NSOM).

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